
Oils and Fats News December 2013

USFDA bans trans fats The FDA in the US has announced that it intends to ban artificial trans-fatty acids from the nation’s food supply because the substances increase the risk of heart disease. They quoted their medical experts saying “there is no safe level of consumption of artificial trans fat.” The AOCS, the American Oil Chemists Society known as “Your Global Oil and Fats Connection“ has worked for years to finesse and finalise the Official methods of analysis for these materials in food. The AOCS are…

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REVIEW: Lipid Oxidation (Challenges in Food Systems)

Lipid Oxidation (Challenges in Food Systems) Editors: Amy Logan, Uwe Nienaber, Xiangquing (Shawn) Pan AOCS press 2013 www.aocs.org List Price: $250.00 Member Price: $190.00 This 15-chapter, 500-page book with 35 editors and authors covers entirely new ground. Some of the authors are well-known and have years of experience in the field of oils and fats. However, more than a dozen new authors present fresh perspectives that are not covered in other books, published by AOCS and other publishers that cover lipid oxidation in full. Consequently,…

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