Book Review – Olive and olive oil bioactive constituents
OilBioactivesReviewAugSep15 Easy to read PDF attached
Book reviews
OilBioactivesReviewAugSep15 Easy to read PDF attached
Processing Contaminants in Edible Oils: MCPD and Glycidyl Esters Edited by Shaun MacMahon AOCS press, Illinois, 2014 ISBN 978-0-9888565-0-9. 230 pages. Hardback. $110.00 USD Amazon electronic version $85.00 USD Industry, academia and legislators have awaited the publication of a book such as this for quite some time. Heightened awareness around the presence of fatty acid esters of monochloropropanediol in refined edible oils began in 2006 with a publication by Zelinkova. This book was published following a key seminar to address this issue at an AOCS conference in 2011. The issue attracted intense scrutiny because…
Lipid Oxidation (Challenges in Food Systems) Editors: Amy Logan, Uwe Nienaber, Xiangquing (Shawn) Pan AOCS press 2013 List Price: $250.00 Member Price: $190.00 This 15-chapter, 500-page book with 35 editors and authors covers entirely new ground. Some of the authors are well-known and have years of experience in the field of oils and fats. However, more than a dozen new authors present fresh perspectives that are not covered in other books, published by AOCS and other publishers that cover lipid oxidation in full. Consequently,…
Phospholipid Technology and Applications Edited by Frank D. Gunstone, Scottish Crop Research Institute, Dundee, Scotland. April 2008. Hard cover. 213 pages, 45 figures, 28 tables and 553 references. ISBN 978-0-9552512-2-1. Volume 22 in The Oily Press Lipid Library. Price £85 or US$174. This is book number 22 in a series of pertinent, well-written and informative books from the Oily press (now part of Woodhead Publishing). It consists of eight chapters, 200 pages of text and a host of vital references. The 14 contributors are…
Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils Edited by Charmian J O’Connor; Managing Editor Laurence Eyres, Oils and Fats Specialist Group of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry, Auckland, New Zealand. 2007, 297 pp, paperback ISBN 978-0-473-12283-6. Price: NZ$80.00. The Handbook of Australasian Edible Oils arose from a perceived need to collect in one place much of the information provided at seminars, conferences and meetings of the Oils and Fats Group of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry that have taken place over the past 25 years. Moreover, it was acknowledged that edible oil practices in…
Life – As a Matter of Fat – The Emerging Science of Lipidomics edited by Ole G. Mouritsen (Springer Frontiers Collection), Springer, Berlin (Germany) 2005. Hardcover, 290 pages. Price 53.45 e. ISBN-13 978- 3540232483. Presenting challenges and open problems at the forefront of modern physics in a manner accessible to scientifically literate non-specialists is the expressed aim of the Frontiers Collection by Springer. This is exactly what Mouritsen achieves with his book, the reader gains insight into the deeper implications and the fascinating questions involved. The field of lipid research is central to…