Tag Archives: food standards


Oils and Fats News November 2010

AGM outcomes As usual after the merry and bacchanalian annual get-together, the committee were re-elected for another year. The newsletter still gets published periodically but contributions and ideas are always welcome. Copies of the Handbook are now free to Academic institutions so long as they pay the packaging and postage. Olive oil and health Extra-virgin olive oil can protect the liver from oxidative stress. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism exposed rats to a moderately toxic herbicide known to deplete…

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Oils and Fats News August 2010

The group’s AGM and annual social dinner is being planned for Tuesday August 17th at a local Mt. Eden Restaurant (Cazador). This is not a typical bureaucratic meeting but is intended as a social mixer for anybody, their friends, and colleagues and partners who are vaguely interested in the oily stuff. There will be a notice sent out to members of the group. Contact eyresy@gmail.com Standard for Olive Oil Standards Australia is working on an overall Australian standard for all grades of olive oil. The…

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Oils and Fats News May/June 2010

AGM Due to unforeseen circumstances we are now deferring the AGM until early July. Stars of the oil world The latest copy of Inform (AOCS) magazine stars the research group form Plant and Food research and Massey University who have done such excellent work on avocado and olive oils. The authors of the review article entitled” What is unrefined extra virgin cold-pressed avocado oil” are Marie Wong, Cecilia Requejo-Jackman and Allan Woolf. The article title actually appears on the front cover and features on AOCS…

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Oils and Fats News January 2010

A happy and prosperous new year to everyone. The specialist group is not planning any events in New Zealand this year but people should be aware of a lipid meeting coming up in Cairns in July. The International Society for Plant Lipids (ISPL) is holding a meeting then and AAOCS will also run a concurrent programme. Further to the proposal to hold the AAOCS section meeting in Cairns, ISPL has now developed up a program of sessions that will be held on Monday 12 &…

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