Tag Archives: olive oil


Oils and Fats News October 2014

The saturated fat debate An informed measured response to recent articles about saturated fat and coronary heart disease has recently been published on the Otago University health matters website. The recent review and meta-analysis by Chowdhury et. al. created a great deal of controversy. The Otago researchers, long experienced in this field, have reiterated the advice that reducing saturated fat in the diet with unsaturated fats has a beneficial effect and lowers incidence of mortality from this disease. The National Heart Foundation are currently reviewing…

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Oils and Fats News June 2014

Annual dinner and AGM This will be held at Grand Harbour Chinese restaurant on the viaduct in Auckland. The date to book in diaries is Tuesday, 24 June. A very tasty banquet is planned and as usual excellent wines will be provided in a private room. We hope as many people as possible will attend this informal evening. The booking form is on the new website. The New website Contributions, comments, additions and suggestions are welcomed by members. If anyone wants to delve into the…

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Oils and Fats News December 2013

USFDA bans trans fats The FDA in the US has announced that it intends to ban artificial trans-fatty acids from the nation’s food supply because the substances increase the risk of heart disease. They quoted their medical experts saying “there is no safe level of consumption of artificial trans fat.” The AOCS, the American Oil Chemists Society known as “Your Global Oil and Fats Connection“ has worked for years to finesse and finalise the Official methods of analysis for these materials in food. The AOCS are…

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Oils and Fats News August 2013

AGM and Mid Winter Dinner A convivial meeting was had by all 28 people who attended this year’s dinner at the Northern Club in Auckland. The current officials were again voted in and life goes on perhaps with a more modern and catchy title. Omega-3 and prostate cancer This recent Meta analysis has really put the cat amongst the pigeons with the poor authors being vilified and criticized.  Whatever happened to scientific democracy where one can publish a paper and have it open to fair…

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Oils and Fats News October 2012

Technology Update at Massey This event was well received by the attendees and the people who connected via video link. The IT was all organised by Massey University who did a great job. The invited speakers produced vital and updated information on uses, specialty fats, emulsifiers and antioxidants. The presentations in pdf form and videos can be found on oils and fats website in the members section. 1.       For both videos and PowerPoint’s, via the Oils and Fats Group website, if you are a member then…

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Oils and Fats News June 2012

Winter Dinner and AGM This will now be on June 19th at Restaurant Carinthia in Glendowie. For details: http://www.oilsfats.org.nz/ Teach in/Technical updates Now scheduled for 29th August at Massey Albany. Primarily for final year Food Science and Technology students the seminar is available for a small fee to Industry who wish to update themselves or their new staff. Fat Tax (yawn) Increasing the price of unhealthy food and drinks through a tax of at least 20 per cent could improve people’s health and have an…

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Oils and Fats News April 2012

Phosphatidylserine A recent visitor to New Zealand, a scientist from Israel, informed us of developments with phosphatidylserine which is a phospholipid found in soybean, egg and buttermilk. Whilst phosphatidylcholine has been well researched since it is a key component of lecithin, its sister molecule has not. Researchers have now found that phosphatidylserine has significant effects on preventing cognitive decline. The Enzymotec product is non-GMO and is derived from vegan sources with a recommended daily dose of 100 mg. This reviewer because of advancing age is…

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Oils and Fats News January 2012

AAOCS Adelaide This was an excellent meeting in November and the synopsis of the event has been written up by Matt Miller and is on the oils and fats website. www.oilsfats.org.nz The group in collaboration with the Universities is planning a one day training session on the use of edible oils in the food industry. The date has been set for August 29th at Massey Albany. More details to follow as planning gets underway. Olive Oil and Pancreatis Substances found in virgin olive oil and…

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Oils and Fats News November 2010

AGM outcomes As usual after the merry and bacchanalian annual get-together, the committee were re-elected for another year. The newsletter still gets published periodically but contributions and ideas are always welcome. Copies of the Handbook are now free to Academic institutions so long as they pay the packaging and postage. Olive oil and health Extra-virgin olive oil can protect the liver from oxidative stress. Researchers writing in BioMed Central’s open access journal Nutrition and Metabolism exposed rats to a moderately toxic herbicide known to deplete…

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Oils and Fats News August 2010

The group’s AGM and annual social dinner is being planned for Tuesday August 17th at a local Mt. Eden Restaurant (Cazador). This is not a typical bureaucratic meeting but is intended as a social mixer for anybody, their friends, and colleagues and partners who are vaguely interested in the oily stuff. There will be a notice sent out to members of the group. Contact eyresy@gmail.com Standard for Olive Oil Standards Australia is working on an overall Australian standard for all grades of olive oil. The…

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